Prior to putting a new lift in service, a lift needs the following documentation in Ireland:
- Report of Thorough Examination by Competent Person that can exercise an Independent Judgement;
- A record which Building Regulations have been taking into consideration into the design of the Lift (i.e. Fire, Evacuation, Disabled Access);
- Declarations of Conformity for the Safety Components as installed (Depending on type of lift but as a minimum there are 5 No. Declarations for Safety Components);
- Declaration of Conformity for the EU Type Approved Model Lift;
- Final Declaration of Conformity by the Installer;
- Test & Commissioning Report;
- O&M manual;
- Electrical Drawings as installed;
- Shaft Lay-out Drawings as installed;
- Logbook.
This documentation should be kept with the lift at all times.
The appropriate place for this documentation is in the motor room or for motor room less lifts in the control panel or on top of the lift cabin.
This documentation should be in a proper binder and the owner of this documentation is the Employer/Owner of the Lift.
The logbook should reflect any works, repairs, replacements, breakdowns, inspections and has to reflect the entire history of the lift. Therefore, Logbooks that lift maintenance providers use should stay with the lift even if the Logbooks needs to be renewed or maintenance provider changes.
All documentation & logbook needs to be maintained for the entire lifespan of the lift and needs to be with the lift at all times.